Fogging MachineĀ
Spesifikasi : |
Swangfog COD |
Option: Dengan COD (Cut Off Device) |
Tenaga / Power : 18.000 Kcal / jam |
Dimensi Mesin (PxLxT) : 1332 x 300 x 320 mm |
Berat Kosong 8,0 Kg |
Berat Penuh 14,2 Kg |
Tank Bahan: Stainless Steel (Rust Proof) |
Penuh Kapasitas Tangki: 1.5L |
Bahan Material Stainless Steel |
Kapasitas Tangki Bahan Bakar Bensin 1,5 Liter |
Kapasitas Tangki Larutan / Formula 6 Liter |
Konsumsi ( output ) Bahan Bakar Bensin 1,41 Liter / jam |
Keluaran ( output ) Larutan / Formula Nozel 0,8 mm : 5,45 Liter/jam, Nozel 1,0 mm : 6,74 Liter/jam, Nozel 1,2 mm : 8,70 Liter/jam |
Ukuran Droplet : 20 Mikron |
Jangkauan Asap : 7,22 Meter |
Waktu Minimal yang Dibutuhkan Mencapai Tingkat Kepekatan Dalam 1 m3 Ruangan : 2,33 Detik/m3 |
Suhu ( C) Asap Jarak Tembak Dari Bibir Knalpot : 1,5 Meter = 36,8 C 2,0 Meter = 33,3 C 2,5 Meter = 31,9 C 3,0 Meter = 31,3 0 C |
Semburan Api/Lidah Api Saat Pengasapan : Tidak ada |
Tingkat Kebisingan Mesin : 94,7 dB |
Percepatan Getaran Mesin : 2,6 Meter/detik2 |
Sumber Pengapian : Coil |
Baterai/Starter : 6 Volt Aki Kering |
Cut of Device ( C.O.D. ) : Pilihan |
Unit Kelengkapan : |
1 Buku Petunjuk Penggunaan, Perawatan dan Perbaikan |
Sabuk / Tali Sandang |
1 Bag dan Tool Bag Kit, Packing dan Karet O-ring, Gelas Ukur Plastik |
1 Set Nozel (0,8 mm, 1,0 mm & 1,2 mm) |
2 Buah Corong Saringan, (Bensin dan Larutan) |
1 Set Masker dan Sarung Tangan |
1 Set Tutup Pelindung Telinga Dari Kebisingan |
Tanpa Busi |
Opening Hours:
Monday ā Friday: 08.00 ā 17.00 WIB
Saturday: 08.00 ā 15.00 WIB
*Services after working hours are served via SMS / WA
PD. Karya Mitra Usaha provides various kinds of tools and machines that you need.
We are ready to help you in developing your business. Why Should We? We are a trusted provider/manufacturer of tools/machines.
Such as industrial machines, agriculture, fisheries, animal husbandry, plantations, construction, MSMEs, and others. Starting from simple machines to large industrial machines, such as Fogging MachineĀ
Our service for you is to provide training in operating our machines.
Apart from that, we are ready to provide consultations to you when you are confused about what business you want to do? Meanwhile, you have capital to invest.
PD. Karya Mitra Usaha will only provide quality machines for you. Because our machines are made by our own experts, and have passed Quality Control.
And you can try it before you take it home. So you will feel satisfied with our service, because customer satisfaction is our priority.
For complete information on our catalogue .
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