Vacuum Extracting Concentrator
Konsentrator Ekstraksi Ekstraksi Seri TS-NS dapat mempraktikkan ekstraksi dan konsentrasi pada suhu yang relatif rendah untuk menjaga atribut produk. Tingkat vakum: -0,05 — 0,08Mpa. Efisiensi tinggi, pengoperasian mudah dan otomatisasi tingkat tinggi; Sistem sesak vakum subpressure dapat memproses konsentrasi penguapan pada suhu yang lebih rendah. Di dalam pemanas listrik. Tidak ada jalan keluar pemanasan; debit penuh; gaya pembukaan tengah sudah siap dibersihkan. Komposisi Peralatan: tangki konsentrasi bola, separator menengah, kondensor, pompa vakum, pompa air, pompa magnetik dan sistem pemulihan .. Pengoperasian sederhana, efisiensi tinggi, otomatis tinggi. Suhu distilasi dapat dikontrol dan ditampilkan |
Contoh input : bahan herbal, bahan alami yang menganduk minyak esensial (atsiri) |
Contoh output : jamu, obat, parfum, dll |
Spesifikasi : |
– Volum : 10 L |
– Daya : 8,5 kW |
– Tekanan permukaan : 0.3 – 0.4 Mpa |
– Tekanan Dalam : 0.09 Mpa |
– Suhu ekstraksi : 100˚C |
– Suhu pengkonsentrat : 40-80˚C |
– Luas Permukaan Pendingin : 0.5 m2 |
– Luas Permukaan Pemanasan : 0.30 m2 |
– Daya Vakum : 1.5 kW |
– Vakum : -0.05-0.08 Mpa |
– Dimensi : 1500 x 1200 x 550 mm |
Equipment Composition : |
Spherical concentration tank, intermediate separator, condenser, vacuum pump, water pump, magnetic pump and recovery system. |
Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday: 08.00 – 17.00 WIB
Saturday: 08.00 – 15.00 WIB
*Services after working hours are served via SMS / WA
PD. Karya Mitra Usaha provides various kinds of tools and machines that you need.
We are ready to help you in developing your business. Why Should We? We are a trusted provider/manufacturer of tools/machines.
Such as industrial machines, agriculture, fisheries, animal husbandry, plantations, construction, MSMEs, and others. Starting from simple machines to large industrial machines, such as Vacuum Extracting Concentrator
Our service for you is to provide training in operating our machines.
Apart from that, we are ready to provide consultations to you when you are confused about what business you want to do? Meanwhile, you have capital to invest.
PD. Karya Mitra Usaha will only provide quality machines for you. Because our machines are made by our own experts, and have passed Quality Control.
And you can try it before you take it home. So you will feel satisfied with our service, because customer satisfaction is our priority.
For complete information on our catalogue .
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